Cranberry & Chocolate Chip Granola cookies

Cranberry chocolate chip granola cookies

I didn’t know cookies were a Christmas tradition until well into my 20s. I was raised on chocolate cake and apple crisp, ignorant of office cookie-swaps and holiday parties with sky high plates of sugary stars and trees, gingerbread men and snickerdoodles. I ate cookies, of course, just didn’t realize they were a big deal!

Several years ago, I started tinkering with an old favorite cookie recipe from my teen years, Trail Cookies (source unknown). Back then, I’d throw in whatever random cereal was in the kitchen cabinet along with nuts, raisins and any other dried fruit that happened to be available.

Today’s version includes a generous scoop of Granola Lab’s Cranberry Cashew Compound, chocolate chips, and extra dried cranberries for that festive element. It's a forgiving recipe...and you can forgive yourself for eating too many!

Trail cookie recipe

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